Women Entrepreneurs Business Council

Our focus is on “Empowering Fiji’s Women Entrepreneurs, driving success with passion and innovation!

Established in 2013, the Women Entrepreneurs Business Council (WEBC) arose with a clear mission: safeguarding the rights and amplifying the voices of women in business, mainly those operating in the informal sector in Fiji. Over the years, WEBC has experienced remarkable growth in both its membership and offerings, providing invaluable support and inclusive platforms for the development of women entrepreneurs. WEBC’s vision is “women entrepreneurs invigorating the nation”.

What We Do

At WEBC, our main focus is supporting and advocating for women entrepreneurs from all walks of life. Whether they run big businesses or operate small market stalls, we are here to help. We organize training sessions and workshops to enhance their skills and knowledge. We also connect them with important people and organizations that can support their business goals. We want to make sure that the voices of women entrepreneurs are heard and valued. We welcome all women who already have a business or are interested in starting one.

WEBC is dedicated to the overall growth of our members. We believe in promoting sustainable business practices, building strong partnerships with stakeholders, and ensuring that our members handle their finances wisely. We want to empower women entrepreneurs to succeed in every aspect of their business.

Meet Our Council Committee Chair

Ms. Vera Chute